Seminario Web - Tribunal Internacional contra el Bloqueo de EE. UU. a Cuba

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El domingo 14 de abril la campaña internacional 1c4cuba ha convocado a un seminario web para informar y analizar los resultados del Tribunal Internacional contra el bloqueo de EE.UU. a Cuba, que se celebró en el Parlamento de la UE en Bruselas en noviembre de 2023.

Este evento adquiere una relevancia vital en la lucha contra el bloqueo, una práctica que ha sido calificada por el Tribunal Internacional como una forma de guerra ilegal e ilegítima. En su declaración del 17 de noviembre de 2023, el Tribunal señaló que el bloqueo impuesto por Estados Unidos está diseñado para provocar la destrucción física del pueblo cubano, lo que podría equipararse con un delito de genocidio.

El bloqueo continúa causando estragos en la economía cubana, privando a la población de recursos básicos necesarios para subsistir, especialmente en sectores críticos como la salud, la alimentación y los combustibles.

En un contexto donde las recientes protestas en Cuba han evidenciado las dificultades que enfrenta la población, resulta indignante observar la hipocresía de Estados Unidos, que afirma preocuparse por el bienestar de los cubanos mientras contribuye activamente a estas dificultades. Un ejemplo reciente de esta contradicción es la imposición de una multa de 3,7 millones de dólares al banco suizo EFG por violar medidas del bloqueo contra Cuba. Además, se destinaron más de 50 millones de dólares para acciones subversivas en Cuba, incluyendo programas de manipulación mediática y "promoción de la democracia".

La solidaridad internacional es crucial para detener el impacto del bloqueo a Cuba. Te invitamos a unirte a este evento para escuchar de invitados especiales sobre las experiencias y testimonios del Tribunal Internacional contra el Bloqueo de EE. UU. a Cuba.

¡Regístrate para asegurar tu lugar ahora!
Enlace de inscripción –


  • Antonio Segura. Miembro del equipo de Fiscales del Tribunal. Colegio de Abogados de Madrid
  • Representante de MediCuba Europa – ONG que realiza donaciones médicas a Cuba, testigo ante el tribunal.
  • David Rodríguez. Coordinador de la Comisión Jurídica del Tribunal
  • Brenda Lopez. LA Hands Off Cuba en EEUU, testigo ante el Tribunal
  • Simon McGuinness – Coordinador Nacional del Grupo de Apoyo de Cuba en Irlanda, Campaña de 1c4Cuba, un centavo para Cuba.

Domingo 14 de abril 18.30 (Londres) 19.30 (Madrid) 13.30 (La Habana)

El seminario contará con videos, invitados especiales y debate en inglés con traducción simultánea al español.


Seminario Web - Tribunal Internacional contra el Bloqueo de EE. UU. a Cuba 

SIGN / FIRMA : Movements demand Cuba’s removal from the “state-sponsors of terrorism” list | Movimientos exigen la retirada de Cuba de la lista de "estados patrocinadores del terrorismo".

off the list Cuba list


We, unions, political parties, and popular movements from around the globe, recognize Cuba as a pillar of international peace and justice and demand the immediate removal of its US designation as a “state-sponsor of terrorism.”

In January 1959, Cuba dared to chart a revolutionary path in the belly of the beast, putting behind the indignities of colonial rule that had tormented its people for centuries. Since then, it stood firmly with the aspirations of peoples across the Third World.

Cuba is not a “state-sponsor of terrorism”.

It is a state-sponsor of health. Over the course of its revolutionary history, Cuba has dispatched 605,000 health professionals and technicians to 165 countries, bringing health to as many nations as the United States has sanctioned.

It is a state-sponsor of peace. On 9 June 2023, Colombia’s President Gustavo Petro and Antonio García, the guerrilla commander of the National Liberation Army (ELN), shook hands in Havana at peace talks brokered by the Cuban government. The meeting laid the groundwork for an extended ceasefire — a historic step in a decades-long struggle for peace.

It is a state-sponsor of liberation. Half a million Cubans joined the national liberation struggle in Angola, helping to break the back of South Africa’s apartheid army. Cuba’s victory against South African forces at the battle of Cuito Cuanavale, Nelson Mandela said, paved the way for the legalization of the African National Congress in 1990 and the end of the apartheid regime.

In the face of its tremendous service to humanity, the United States’ designation of Cuba as a sponsor of terror is a cynical ploy to sustain the long punishment for its defiance to US diktats. The policy has only one purpose: to maximize the suffering of the Cuban people.

It represents a radicalization of the cruel six-decade blockade of Cuba. The blockade, as the infamous April 1960 State Department Memorandum said, sought explicitly to make “the greatest inroads in denying money and supplies to Cuba, to decrease monetary and real wages, to bring about hunger, desperation and overthrow of government.”

Over sixty years later, nothing has changed. The Cuban people lack access to most basic goods and resources: medicine, food, construction materials, energy, industrial machinery, and spare parts. The designation has strangled the Cuban economy. Despite repeated promises to revisit the policy, Joe Biden has sustained the punishment — a cruel and cynical policy that stands in violation of fundamental norms in international law.

With this letter, we celebrate Cuba as a promoter of health, peace, and liberation, and commit to mobilizing in our millions to demand an end to its long persecution by the US government.

Sign a Petition

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Nosotros, sindicatos, partidos políticos y movimientos populares de todo el mundo, reconocemos a Cuba como un verdadero pilar de la paz y la justicia internacionales y exigimos la retirada inmediata de su designación por parte de los Estados Unidos como "Estado patrocinador del terrorismo."

En enero de 1959, Cuba se atrevió a trazar un camino revolucionario en el corazón de la bestia, dejando atrás las indignidades del dominio colonial que habían atormentado a su pueblo durante siglos. Desde entonces, se ha mantenido firme junto a las aspiraciones de los pueblos de todo el Tercer Mundo.

Cuba no es un "Estado patrocinador del terrorismo".

Es un Estado-patrocinador de la salud. A lo largo de su historia revolucionaria, Cuba ha enviado 605.000 profesionales y técnicos sanitarios a 165 países, llevando la salud a tantos países como los Estados Unidos han sancionado.

Es un Estado patrocinador de la paz. El 9 de junio de 2023, el presidente de Colombia, Gustavo Petro, y el comandante guerrillero del Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN), Antonio García, se estrecharon la mano en La Habana en unas conversaciones de paz mediadas por el gobierno cubano. La reunión sentó las bases para un alto al fuego ampliado, un paso histórico en una lucha de décadas por la paz.

Se trata de un patrocinador estatal de la liberación. Medio millón de cubanos se unieron a la lucha de liberación nacional en Angola, ayudando a romper la espalda del ejército sudafricano del apartheid. La victoria de Cuba contra las fuerzas sudafricanas en la batalla de Cuito Cuanavale, según Nelson Mandela, sentó las bases para la legalización del Congreso Nacional Africano en 1990 y el fin del régimen del apartheid.

Frente a su tremendo servicio a la humanidad, la designación de Cuba como patrocinador del terror por parte de los Estados Unidos es una cínica estratagema para mantener el largo castigo por su desafío a los dictados estadounidenses. Esta política sólo tiene un propósito: maximizar el sufrimiento del pueblo cubano.

Representa una radicalización del cruel bloqueo de seis décadas contra Cuba. El bloqueo, como decía el infame Memorándum del Departamento de Estado de abril de 1960, buscaba explícitamente hacer "las mayores incursiones para negar dinero y suministros a Cuba, disminuir los salarios monetarios y reales, provocar el hambre, la desesperación y el derrocamiento del gobierno".

Más de sesenta años después, nada ha cambiado. El pueblo cubano carece de acceso a la mayoría de los bienes y recursos básicos: medicinas, alimentos, materiales de construcción, energía, maquinaria industrial y piezas de repuesto. La designación ha asfixiado la economía cubana. A pesar de las repetidas promesas de revisar la política, Joe Biden ha mantenido el castigo, una política cruel y cínica que viola normas fundamentales del derecho internacional.

Con esta carta, celebramos a Cuba como promotora de la salud, la paz y la liberación, y nos comprometemos a movilizarnos por millones para exigir el fin de su larga persecución por parte del gobierno de los Estados Unidos.

Firma la petición

Tell the banks - UNBLOCK CUBA!


Help us challenge the extraterritorial application of the US blockade against Cuba in Europe and Britain.

We need your assistance to gather evidence of how the US blockade has affected you as an individual or your organisation, particularly within the financial sector.

Have you had a bank transaction stopped? Humanitarian donations blocked? Bank account frozen or closed? If so, we need you to share your experiences with us.

We have a quick and easy form for you to complete to help us document instances of the US blockade impacting banking services outside of the United States.


If you have yet to experience a transaction being blocked, join the 1 cent 4 Cuba campaign.*

Help us to gather evidence that shows the illegal imposition of US sanctions in violation of other national laws.

Tell the banks - UNBLOCK CUBA!
#1c4Cuba  #LetCubaLive #UnblockCuba

* The #1c4Cuba campaign was launched by a group of Cuba solidarity organisations in Britain, Europe and Canada in response to banks and financial institutions outside the United States placing Cuba on their list of sanctioned countries, for fear of US fines, despite this violating national legislation which makes this illegal. The international campaign combines street protests and publicity stunts and demanding consumer rights to pursue complaints to the highest level.

For more info see Join the network, share the video and the information to your contacts

Giant Cuban flag in Glasgow’s Queens Park

Cuba solidarity activists unfurled a giant Cuban flag in Glasgow’s Queens Park on Friday 14 April to add their voice to the international movement demanding an end to the U.S. blockade of Cuba. The event was supported by activists from Rock Around the Blockade, Cuba Support Group Ireland CSGI, Cubanos en UK and Glasgow FRFI.

The International Tribunal on the US sanctions against the Republic of Cuba

brussels cuba photo prensa latina

The International Tribunal on the US sanctions against the Republic of Cuba

Pronounces the following judgment:

The extensive political and economic sanctions imposed on the Republic of Cuba since 1960 up to date violate international law. These include, above all, Articles 2(4) and 2(7) of the UN Charter on the protection of sovereignty, self-determination and the prohibition of intervention, the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) of 1948 and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) of 1966, as well as the provisions of the World Trade Organization (WTO) on the protection of freedom of trade and numerous principles of the Treaty on European Union (TEU, Maastricht Treaty).

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Stripe blocks humanitarian aid for Cuba

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Once again, our association Cubanos en UK has fallen victim to the United States blockade of Cuba. Stripe, a payment gateway, has frozen our account with almost £1,000 that we had already raised for medical aid for Matanzas’ hospitals in the wake of the terrible fire earlier this month.

This decision comes only few days after Stripe confirmed that we could use their services to collect online donations on our website (

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Help Cuba fight COVID-19


Pediatric clinical trials have already started on the island in children aged 3 to 18 years with the anti-COVID vaccines Soberana02 and Abdala. The clinical trials were approved by the Center for State Control of Medicines, Equipment and Medical Devices (CECMED), the Cuban regulatory body.

The Abdala vaccine, developed by the CIGB, showed an effectivity of 92.2% in the analyses of the third and last phase of clinical trials in adults. On the other hand, the Soberana02 vaccine, developed by IFV, showed 91.2% effectiveness after two shots and a booster with Soberana Plus.

The trials - called "Ismaelillo" and "SoberanaPediatria" - will include 592 and 350 volunteer children and teenagers, respectively, living in urban health areas of Camagüey and Havana provinces.

Request for support

We are kindly requesting your support to acquire some medical equipment for the Cuban doctors working in the clinical trials.

Specifically, 200 of the below items are needed. The items have been added to a Wish List on Amazon and should be shipped to Dr Valia Rodriguez - member of "Cubanos en UK" executive commitee. Her address can be found in the Wish List.

Vaccines protect and save lifes. Let's fight together COVID-19.

Our Wish Lis: Buy Here



Click here for more information

August's #PuentesDeAmor in Brixton against US Blockade and Humanitarian Intervention

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Today we are gathering here to give to our sisters and brothers of Brixton the news that are not in our TV news or national newspapers for you to know about Cuba and how the new administration of United States of America, the more powerful country in the world, keeps the 60 years old Blockade on our people, the most coercive and unilateral policy aiming to break the soul of the country by hunger and pain.

Last month we explained how the USA using their tentacles all over the world orchestrated a campaign through powerful media that Cuba needed humanitarian assistance due to the failure of the country to deal with the pandemic. Even they propagate the virulent news of the uprising of the people of Cuba against the their government. 

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Cuba receives another donation from “Support Vaccination” Campaign

Sitios Clínicos 5

Cubanos en UK and Juntos x Cuba, associations of Cuban residents in the United Kingdom and in Europe, together with friends of Cuba in Europe, the US and Canada, joined forces to send 50,000 cryotubes to the country to be used for testing immunogenicity in the phase 3 clinical trial of Abdala, one of the five vaccine candidates developed by Cuban scientists. This phase 3 clinical trial is the last stage with volunteers before approval is sought for the Abdala vaccine, in which its safety and efficiency must be confirmed. Efficacy evaluates the relationship between immunogenicity and protection against COVID-19. The cryotubes will allow the serum of vaccinated individuals to be transported at low temperatures (below zero) to the place where the content of antibodies that specifically prevent the coronavirus from entering the human cell will be evaluated.

Despite the difficulties caused by the closure of the first two fundraising platforms set up, with JustGiving and Crowdfunder-UK, due to the extraterritorial application of the criminal US blockade of Cuba, Cubans in the UK continued to collect donations ( to assist the Cuban people.

We thank all the people who have contributed so far for the generous gesture and solidarity with our country. Thanks to this effort, since the beginning of the year we have managed to send donations of medical supplies to Cuba worth £19,874.23. We call on Cuban residents abroad, friends of Cuba and any person in solidarity to continue supporting our country and we invite them to join the International Caravans against the blockade on May 29-30.

Preparación Envio 1

Sitios Clínicos 1

Sitios Clínicos 2

Sitios Clínicos 3

Traslado 1

Traslado 3

Traslado 2

Declaration against ignominy

cubanos en inglaterra londres

Cuban residents in Europe, who advocate that Cuba enjoy the right to self-determination, without foreign interference, and that the criminal Blockade of more than 60 years of the US government against our Homeland be put to an end, as well as all its policy of aggression and asphyxia, we issue the following declaration:

We, Cuban residents in Europe, who gather around of the movement Encuentro de Cubanos Residentes en Europa (ECRE), aware of the importance and the values of the economic and sociopolitical system adopted by our country, and its positive impact on our people and for other peoples, often forgotten and exploited by the great powers of the world. We resolutely condemn and repudiate the song that they have ignominiously titled Patria y Vida, as an affront to the Cuban people and Cuban history. For pursuing the same goals of those who, for so many years, have tried to bend us through hunger, disease and misery. The subject that the songwriters of the song have "suspiciously" forgotten.

Likewise, we reject the invitation to the European Parliament, supposedly to speak on behalf of the Cubans, to some of the participants in such a disgusting political pamphlet. A Parliament, which should listen to different voices, for its supposed "democratic values", but which mysteriously only likes to hear the songs supported and the financed by the same power that hates us and would like to see us on our knees. But Cuba is not a European nation.

The confused, the opportunists, the traitors, the disloyal to the country, have already been condemned by history. As part of the heroic people of the Island, we will never exchange a minute of glory, for all the wealth of the world, as Fidel taught us and with his words, pronounced on March 27th, 1960 we want to end:

“And may our enemies understand that such a people is not easy to attack; that a people like this cannot be defeated! Because we have definitely made ours, that slogan of the one who was the maximum expression of Cuban combativeness and courage, Antonio Maceo: “But whoever tries to take over Cuba will collect the dust of her soil drenched in blood, if she does not perish in the fight! “”

February 24th, 2021

Together X Cuba

Associations and Cubanxs Residents in Europe

Country or Death! We Will Win!

2 28 cubanos en uk logo

Nación y Emigración