Cuba to reopen schools in fall
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Cuba has announced it plans to reopen schools this fall as part of the country's gradual return to a new normality after coping with the COVID 19 pandemic.
Source: CGTN
Cuba has announced it plans to reopen schools this fall as part of the country's gradual return to a new normality after coping with the COVID 19 pandemic.
Source: CGTN
Dear friends of Cuba,
Once more, we turn to you appealing to your generosity to help Cuba in its vaccination efforts against SARs-COV-2 virus.
This time we are aiming to raise funds to buy disposable medical supplies such as syringes, needles - and related - to support the final phase of clinical trials of Cuban vaccine candidates Soberana-02 and Abdala developed by BioCubaFarma. As in previous campaigns, the funds raised will not be sent to Cuba; Instead, the disposable medical supplies will be purchased in Europe and shipped to the island.
As you know, Cuba's response to COVID-19 has been effective. With about 11,3M inhabitants, about 2 900 cases per million have been infected, and the death rate is about 21 cases per million. Many factors have determined the capacity of Cuba to give such a response to the pandemic. Essential has been the government's decision to put all available resources to fight the virus at different levels to avoid infection spreading, identify positive cases, and initiate treatment protocols.
However, it has not been easy for Cuba to ensure this level of response while maintaining the freeness, accessibility, and extensive coverage of the health system. This has been a constant challenge for a poor country that also faces a very tight commercial and financial USA blockade and is experiencing at the same time an important reduction in income from the touristic industry -its primary source of revenues.
Despite the hardships and the conditions imposed by the blockade, the country has not only increased PCR testing but also the development of the Cuban biotechnology has made possible that four vaccine candidates against SARs-COV-2 virus are currently under clinical trials. The candidates, named Soberana-01, Soberana-02, Mambisa and Abdala, have been developed abiding by good practices in keeping with international regulations and standards.
Specifically, Soberana-02 and Abdala have shown a high immune response against the virus during phase 1 and 2 of clinical studies and will pass to phase 3 – the last phase- in March. In phase 3, a larger number of Cubans will be vaccinated to determine these candidates' effectiveness. Cuba is in the position to produce 100 million vaccine doses after clinical trials end.
Funds from this appeal will support the final phase of Soberana-02 and Abdala's clinical trials and the Cuban population's vaccination strategy upon the clinical trials' conclusion. Specifically, funds from this campaign will be used to buy disposable medical supplies such as syringes, needles and related which impose expensive additional costs to the country given the amounts needed and the necessity to purchase them in the international market.
We can help Cuba by contributing to this campaign. We can help the world by helping Cuba.
As before, we aim to raise £25 000 to buy about a quart of million syringes.
You can read about how we used the funds from our previous successful campaign in this link Building Ventilators for Patients with COVID-19.
Please, make your contribution today and share this campaign with your friends and relatives.
Dr Valia Rodriguez, Dr Miriam Palacios & Daniesky Acosta
This is an initiative of Cubanos en UK
Dr Valia Rodriguez is a Cuban medical doctor and academic currently residing in the United Kingdom.
Dr Miriam Palacios is a Cuban scientist resident in the United Kingdom.
Daniesky Acosta is a Cuban graphic designer and filmmaker resident in the United Kingdom. He is also the general coordinator of "Cubanos en UK".
English | Español
The association Cubanos en UK thanks all the people and organizations that contributed to the collection of more than £25.000 to help patients with COVID-19 in Cuba.
Special thanks are due to Dr Valia Rodriguez and Dr Míriam Palacios, Cuban scientists living in the United Kingdom who have led this campaign.
We also appreciate the messages of solidarity and support that we have received from all the continents of the world. At present, work is underway to buy and send donations to Cuba quickly and safely.
La asociación Cubanos en UK agradece a todas las personas y organizaciones que contribuyeron a la recaudación de más £25.000 mil libras esterlinas para ayudar a pacientes con COVID-19 en Cuba.
Con mucho orgullo enviamos un agradecimiento especial a la Dr Valia Rodriguez y Dr Míriam Palacios, científicas cubanas residentes en el Reino Unido quienes han liderado esta campaña.
También agradecemos los números mensajes de solidaridad y apoyo que hemos recibido desde todos los continentes del mundo. En estos momentos se está trabajando para comprar y hacer llegar de forma rápida y segura las donaciones a Cuba.
Cubanos en UK
Viernes 15 de mayo 2020
Foto: Granma
La asociación Cubanos en UK rechaza y condena energicamente el atentado terrorista contra la Embajada de Cuba en Estados Unidos.
En horas de la madrugada de este jueves 30 de abril de 2020, un individuo desconocido disparó con un arma de fuego contra el edificio de la Embajada de Cuba. Aunque se desconoce la identidad del individuo y sus motivaciones, nuestra asociación rechaza cualquier acto violento en contra de representantes de Cuba en el exterior.
Desde 1959, Cuba ha reportado más de 3 mil muertos y miles de heridos, causados por atentados terroristas que en su mayoría han sido organizados desde los EE.UU. por grupos de cubanos de extrema derecha, dejando víctimas fatales dentro y fuera de Cuba.
Es responsabilidad los Estados Unidos garantizar la seguridad y tranquilidad de las sedes diplomáticas y del personal acreditado en su país. Exigimos al gobierno de EE.UU. que tome acciones y medidas contra semejante agresión a la integridad de nuestra misión diplomática en su país. Ignorar este hecho convierte a la administración de los Estados Unidos ante el mundo, en cómplices de actos terroristas.
Cubanos en UK
Viernes 1 mayo 2020
Bruno Rodríguez, canciller de Cuba, denuncia ataque terrorista contra la embajada cubana en Estados
Cuando los tiempos son difíciles, es cuando más necesitamos de la generosidad, la amabilidad y la compasión. Hacemos un llamado a esa generosidad, que nos hace mejores personas, cuando recurrimos a usted pidiendo ayuda. Necesitamos comprar componentes para construir ventiladores emergentes que salvarán la vida de pacientes con complicaciones médicas por COVID-19 en Cuba.
Cuba no puede comprar ventiladores nuevos y le es muy difícil reparar los rotos porque las compañías que anteriormente suministraban ventiladores a Cuba fueron adquiridas por una compañía estadounidense (Vyaire Medical Inc). El bloqueo de Estados Unidos sobre Cuba prohíbe cualquier tipo de comercio, incluso de artículos médicos, a pesar de la crisis que ha generado esta pandemia y la urgencia de tratar pacientes y salvar vidas.
Instituciones de salud, investigación y universidades en Cuba se han unido en un esfuerzo dirigido a reparar ventiladores rotos y construir nuevos dispositivos para ayudar a los pacientes con complicaciones respiratorias. Los fondos de la recaudación que aquí hacemos, ayudarán a estas instituciones cubanas a construir un ventilador utilizando diseños libres que la comunidad internacional ha puesto gratuitamente en internet. Específicamente, el dinero será usado para apoyar la construcción del ventilador E-Event diseñado en el proyecto Ventilador de Emergencia del MIT. Las instituciones cubanas trabajan además en estrecho contacto con la Universidad Libre de Bruselas, la Universidad de California Los Angeles y la Universidad McGill. De esta manera, a través de la colaboración, la solidaridad y los diseños libres, vencemos el bloqueo estadounidense a Cuba y ayudamos a las personas enfermas.
Nosotros, usted y yo, podemos salvar pacientes en Cuba contribuyendo a esta campaña.
Esta es una solicitud urgente. Necesitamos recaudar £25 000. El tiempo es corto, hay personas muriendo.
Por favor, haga su contribución hoy.
Dra. Miriam Palacios-Callender y Dra. Valia Rodriguez-Rodriguez
La Dra. Miriam Palacios es una científica cubana residente en el Reino Unido.
La Dra. Valia Rodríguez es una doctora y académica cubana que actualmente reside en el Reino Unido.
When times are hard, that is when we most need generosity, kindness and compassion. We appeal to that generosity, that makes us better people, as we turn to you in asking for help. We need to buy components to build ventilators to support COVID-19 patients with medical complications in Cuba.
As you may know, Cuba cannot buy new ventilators or repair old ones because the companies that previously supplied ventilators to Cuba were acquired by a US company (Vyaire Medical Inc). The US blockade imposed on Cuba forbids any type of trading, even of medical items in the middle of this pandemic. However, people still need to be treated and saved.
Cuban institutions in health, research and academia have come together to repair old ventilators and to build new devices to support infected patients. Funds from this appeal will support Cuba in building a ventilator using designs that the international community has kindly made available for free on the web. In this way, we can work around the US blockade of Cuba and help sick people.
We – you and me – can save patients in Cuba by contributing to this campaign.
This is an urgent request. We need to raise £25 000 Time is short, people are dying. Please, make your contribution today.
Dr Miriam Palacios-Callender & Dr Valia Rodriguez-Rodriguez
Dr Miriam Palacios is a Cuban scientist resident in the United Kingdom
Dr Valia Rodriguez is a Cuban medical doctor and academic currently residing in the United Kingdom.
En medio esta pandemia hemos visto con tristeza el creciente numero de víctimas que se reportan día a día en el mundo. Un gran número de personas, incluyendo los trabajadores de la salud, están dando lo mejor de sí para evitar peores consecuencias. Los mejores valores humanos hoy son visibles y nos llenan de orgullo en tiempos de crisis.
Desafortunadamente la pandemia ha tenido un efecto opuesto en otras personas, sacado en algunos, sentimientos carentes de compasión humana. Específicamente a aquellos que sufren de pseudología fantástica y viven en una burbuja donde Cuba es un infierno. A pesar de que en donde viven, suceden cosas más graves que en el ‘infierno’ cubano. Por supuesto, la burbuja explota cuando aterriza en Cuba. Hipócritas morales que pretenden dar lecciones de humanismo a Cuba.
The Rt Hon Dominic Raab MP
Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
and First Secretary of State
House of Commons
Dear Rt Hon Dominic Raab MP
Subject: Cubans in the UK demand an end to the US blockade.
We, Cuban residents in the United Kingdom, are urging the British government to play a leading role discussing with the United States of America the need to lift the Embargo against our people. The fight against the covid-19 pandemic is stretching resources all over the world and even strong economies are facing enormous challenges. We are sure that you appreciate how hard the NHS is working to look after patients with COVID-19. No country in the world can survive isolated and even worse when a powerful country imposes a blockade which includes medicine and medical products.
Cuba is making an extraordinary effort to face this covid-19 pandemic. The country tries to save lives inside and outside its borders. Currently, all Cuban and foreign patients in Cuba suffering from the symptoms of COVID-19 are treated in hospitals, including thousands of people suspected of incubating this new coronavirus. Medical students guided by their professors are carrying out national surveys to identify the most vulnerable and high-risk people, as part of preventive medicine, a characteristic of the Cuban health system.
The country also guarantees tests to detect this virus, ensuring national coverage, as part of the strategy to control the spread of COVID-19. These tests are carried out by specialist personnel in three laboratories in the country with technology and experts trained in the Pedro Kouri Institute of Tropical Medicine. Following the indications of the World Health Organization, the fieldwork seeks to identify the foci and their contacts to proceed to the isolation of possible carriers of the disease. This effort in the early stages of the spread of COVID-19 ensures that the exposed population is reduced and with it the best use of the resources of the national Public Health system.
Cuban researchers in collaboration with Chinese colleagues, have worked intensively on the production of a new vaccine against the new coronavirus, the clinical trial of which continues and is expected to be completed in 2021. Also, of Cuban production, the recombinant Interferon alfa 2B has been used in clinical trials since the beginning of the pandemic in China and is available for those who require it in Cuba. Other treatments with international success in this pandemic are also applied in Cuba, among them the antiretroviral Kaletra, previously used in the treatment and prevention of AIDS, and the antiviral Oseltamivir, a generic of national production widely used in the treatment and prevention of influenza viruses (A and B). On the other hand, the distribution of the nationally produced homeopathic medicine Prevengho-Vir has begun, as a prophylactic measure to avoid viral contagion.
Cuban epidemiologist and experts broadcast daily to inform and educate the population on the measures to be followed. Cuba has so far sent medical brigades to 17 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa and Europe that have requested Cuban assistance to face this pandemic. While Cuban doctors are in different countries providing medical care, the US department continues to urge Cuban doctors to abandon their missions, offering them visas to travel to the United States. They have also issued a circular to third countries asking them to reject the Cuban medical brigades for being allegedly “slaves” of the Cuban government. The international thanks and support that Cuban doctors have received contrast with the political manipulation used by the US administration. Nothing justifies the United States aggressive and inhumane policy towards Cuba.
The pandemic is also having a negative impact on the world economy. In just a few weeks, the most developed countries have taken extraordinary measures to provide essential resources to their populations and avoid the chaos caused by scarcity of resources. Our country has had to face similar circumstances for more than 60 years, not because of natural catastrophes but because of the iron blockade imposed on our country by the United States.
On April 1, a donation of medical supplies from China sent to 24 countries in the region, including Cuba, could not land in Cuba due to the US economic and financial blockade. The European Union and the United Nations have called on the US government to relax sanctions so that countries like Cuba can access the necessary food and medicine during the pandemic. However, the Trump administration continues to act unilaterally. Cubans need the definitive end of the US Embargo and the cessation of aggressions against Cuba.
We know about the good relationship between our countries, particularly in the areas of Education and Public Health. We witness your recognition and thanks to the Cuban government in response to the urgent situation experienced by the passengers of British cruise MS Braemar. The Cuban government allowed the docking of this vessels adopting the protocol established by the World health Organization and the Cuban Ministry of Health.
We now look forward to seeing a supportive and humane gesture towards Cuba.
Thank you in advance. Yours sincerely,
Dr Miriam Palacios and Mr Daniesky Acosta
Directors for the association Cubanos en UK
Open letter of Cuban citizens residing in Europe to Presidents and Prime Ministers of the European Union countries
We, Cuban citizens residing in Europe, request Presidents and Prime Ministers of the European Union countries to call on the US government to lift the economic, financial and commercial blockade imposed on Cuba as of 2nd February 1962. Since coming to the White House, Donald Trump’s administration has tightened its hostile policy against Cuba to a level never seen before. Since 16th June 2017 until the present, 191 coercive measures have been applied and Title III of Helms Burton Act was activated from 2nd May 2019, as part of a set of actions intended to asphyxiate the Cuban economy and change the Cuban “regime” at all costs and against the Cuban people.
• Also available in English
Carta abierta de los cubanos residentes en Europa a los presidentes y primeros ministros de los países de la Unión Europea
Nosotros, cubanos residentes en Europa, pedimos a los presidentes y primeros ministros de la Unión Europea que intercedan ante el gobierno de los Estados Unidos para que levante el bloqueo económico, financiero y comercial impuesto a Cuba desde el 2 de febrero 1962. Desde la llegada de Donald Trump a la Casa Blanca, su administración ha recrudecido su política de hostilidad hacia Cuba a un nivel nunca visto: desde el 16 de junio 2017 hasta la fecha ha aplicado 191 medidas coercitivas, activando desde el 2 de mayo del 2019 el Título III de la Ley Helms-Burton como parte de las acciones destinadas a asfixiar la economía cubana y lograr un cambio de “régimen” en Cuba a toda costa y en contra del pueblo cubano.
Estimado presidente Donald Trump: Los firmantes somos cubanoamericanos que vivimos en Estados Unidos (así como cubanos y cubanas que vivimos en Cuba o en cualquier parte del mundo). Somos también, hombres y mujeres de diferentes creencias políticas o religiosas a los que nos une el deseo de paz y reconciliación entre nuestras naciones.
Querido presidente: Ante la emergencia mundial por la plaga del coronavirus, le imploramos que levante las restricciones comerciales y financieras establecidas por los Estados Unidos hacia Cuba. Estas limitaciones, entre otras cosas, dificultan o impiden que Cuba adquiera equipos médicos, alimentos y medicinas. Le rogamos que, al menos durante el tiempo que dure esta calamidad, el gobierno norteamericano extienda una mano amiga y solidaria al pueblo cubano. De no hacerlo, en Cuba se pudiera desencadenar una crisis humanitaria de incalculables consecuencias. Creemos que, en esta hora dolorosa, las consideraciones políticas deben de ceder lugar a las consideraciones humanas.
Como usted expresó en días pasados en su mensaje al pueblo norteamericano, es hora de poner a un lado la política y los partidismos y de trabajar juntos para enfrentar esta catástrofe. Apoyamos esas palabras; en este momento, más allá de los intereses de un partido o de un individuo, deben prevalecer los intereses de una familia y de una especie: la humana.
Tomado de (
La temprana entrada de Cuba en la industria biotecnológica le permitió aprovechar la experiencia internacional y desarrollar medicamentos para combatir el dengue y la meningitis. Uno de estos, el interferon Alfa-2B, se está utilizando ahora para combatir los efectos del COVID-19, escribe Helen Yaffe (University of Glasgow).
• Also available in English
El COVID-19 surgió en la ciudad china de Wuhan a finales de diciembre de 2019, y para enero de 2020 ya había golpeado como un maremoto a la provincia de Hubei, propagándose rápidamente sobre China y el resto del mundo.
El Estado chino entró en acción para combatir la propagación y atender a los infectados. Entre las treinta medicinas que la Comisión Nacional de Salud de China seleccionó para combatir el virus se encontraba el Interferón Alfa 2B, un antiviral cubano producido en China desde 2003 por la empresa mixta chino-cubana ChangHeber.
English | Spanish
Un saludo a todos los pasajeros y a la tripulación del Braemar en nombre de Cubanos en UK.
Esperamos que tengan una agradable estancia en Cuba y que los enfermos se recuperen pronto, Cuba hará todo lo posible por ellos.
Estamos seguros que el pueblo cubano los recibirá con una sonrisa a pesar del desagradable momento que esta pandemia nos hace vivir.
Nuestros gobiernos trabajarán en conjunto por el regreso seguro lo antes posible.
Abrazos solidarios.
Asociación de Cubanos Residentes en el Reino Unido, "Cubanos en UK"
Greetings from Cubanos en UK to all the passengers and crew on the Braemar.
We hope you have a nice stay in Cuba and that the unwell among you recover quickly. Cuba will do everything possible for you.
We are sure that the Cuban people will receive you warmly despite the difficult times we are living through with this pandemic.
Our governments will work together for your safe and swift return
With solidarity from the Association of Cubans Resident in the United Kingdom, ‘Cubanos en UK’.
Foto: Yaimí Ravelo. Periódico Granma
Para comprender por qué las mujeres cubanas disfrutan hoy de una mejor representación y participación en nuestra sociedad, debemos visitar nuestro pasado. Para las mujeres cubanas, Mariana Grajales Cuello (1808-1893) ha sido nuestra heroína de todos los tiempos. Mariana es el ícono de la lucha de las mujeres desde las batallas por una Cuba independiente y libre de esclavitud.
Cuando Mariana supo que sus hijos Antonio, José y Justo se incorporaban al levantamiento armado del 12 de octubre del 1868, les pide a sus hijos jurar frente a un crucifijo de Cristo … "Juremos libertar a la Patria o Morir por ella". Mariana sabía que luchar contra el colonialismo español era la única manera de conquistar la libertad, mostrando con ello una clara comprensión de los sacrificios necesarios en esa lucha. Y esto quedó en el alma de nuestra Revolución Cubana con la frase: "¡Patria o Muerte, Venceremos!"
“¡El bloqueo no existe!” Así dicen los que este sábado participan en una caravana en Miami, para pedirle al gobierno de Trump que “apriete la tuerca”, más sanciones para el pueblo de Cuba.
Hasta hace muy poco los protagonistas de esta caravana eran militantes de izquierda en Cuba pero ahora son más imperialistas que el propio establishment estadounidense. La hipocresía y las paradojas de la ultraderecha anti-cubana no tiene límites. Córtele las alas a la paloma y después diremos que no sabe volar, ó pretenden querer ayudar a alguien que se está asfixiando, apretándole el cuello.