The London Lucumi Choir

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London Lucumi

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The London Lucumi Choir was formed in November 2006 by Martha Galarraga and Daniela Rosselson with the help of percussionist Dave Pattman. It is a Non Audition Community Choir and is run by a committee of members directed by Daniela. It is reliant on the voluntary participation of it’s members and they do not have to audition to join. Ages range from 16 to over sixty and come from all walks of life.

WORKSHOPS: The choir is also available for holding workshops in Singing for the Orisha, and other Afro Cuban Genres and Afro Cuban Percussion and Dance. Daniela and her team are all competent teachers and have had years of teaching experience teaching all ages.

To find out more about The London Lucumi Choir click here

Embajada de Cuba en el Reino Unido

Nación y Emigración