Film showing: In spite of everything - A Pesar de Todo

A pesar de todo

Friday 28 Oct 2016
7 - 8.30pm

Diskus Room, Unite House
128 Theobald’s Road
London, WC1X 8TN
Nearest tube: Holborn

Free entry
£5 suggested donation

We will be screening ‘In spite of everything’ (A Pesar de Todo) as part of the fundraising campaign, initiated by Cuban pianist Eralys Fernandez, to send a piano to the Amadeo Roldan music school in Havana (

In Spite of Everything is a documentary directed by Juan Carlos Travieso exploring the impact on art education of material shortages caused by the United States blockade of Cuba. The story is narrated through the lives of students and teachers who suffer.

Facebook: In spite of everything - Cuban documentary

Organised by Cubanos en UK, hosted by Unite the Union.
For more information email: